Takeda is the destruction and Shu destruction was too much ...

Balance the United States and Russia, Turkey and Saudi Arabia

Takeda is the destruction and Shu destruction was too much ... Turkey and Saudi move Israel if the balance, Iran 0 concentrated United States and Russia Middle East has increased the instability of the time. Such as Turkey and Saudi Arabia, the United States of allies by "the United States away from" "Russian shift" is conspicuous. Confrontation of the United States and Iran followed by a stalemate. This situation could lead to Israel of involvement. US MGA of analysts now in the Middle East, was heard to Mr. D. We hear the theme of change in the power balance in the Middle East. To clarify this, recently happened event is scheduled to arrive the what kind of influence or order. Extremist organization [Islamic State (IS)], will focus Turkey, Saudi Arabia, to Iran. The first thing to pick up, the leader of the IS, Abu Bakr bug Daddy suspects October day, is a matter that died. Activities of IS in the future, will be how to. Daruwaza: It is also important that the commander people in human IS were killed. "Killing" can not be up to the spirit of the IS However, even took the lives of leaders, you will not be able to ideology to "killing" entertain people working in IS.

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